Monday, April 18, 2005

To Whom it May Concern

Sorry, to those of you this doesn't concern.

Des Moines girls. Why is it that we have fallen out of contact? I mean, I'm probably the worst--couldn't even find your email addresses a couple of months a ago when I had the desire to send you a mass email. Natalie Fatalie, thanks for your comments--I'm excited about Africa. Lisa--I didn't forget your birthday. I was in the middle of Turkey on the day and I thought of you and I remembered how at Challenge we staged your birthday and made you a cake, but it wasn't your birthday at all. Feigan, my CCU friend and I talk about you all the time, and I wonder how things are going for you at your new school--thanks for you note. Anyway the point of this is that I want you (any or all of you) to send me an email so that I can make contact with you again. I love you all.


Anonymous said...

i feel so loved to be mentioned in your infamous blog! Can we be sophomores again and go to challenge? That was fun. So your stories of Egypt make me smile...the tomato...the flamingo...your basic Marcianess. Today I was reminded our chemistry days when I was in art class. I was sanding a piece of metal and the piece got caught in the rotating part, and so did my thumb. Luckily my thumb came out because I am very cat-like (worship me) but unluckliy the piece of metal did not...many sparks and hyperventilation actions. But I was resourceful and finally remembered how to turn the machine the damage was only on my pride. Little bit embarassing I will admit. Hey, here's my e-mail...

Anonymous said...


I know this isn't an blog that I need to be posting a comment on. . . :) Actually, my comment isn't about this blog at all. It is simply a message to say that I just sent you an e-mail that we need to make sure you get. I know that your e-mail has done some funny things over the past semester, and I didn't want this one to get lost. No, the baby has not arrived yet. :)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Marcia. I have a bone to pick with you.

I understand that sometimes I am not included in your thoughts when it comes to the beautiful city of DM, but I do miss you a bit and hope that you have not forgotten me. Leesah and Lindz came to visit here at Luther a few weeks ago, and we spoke of a distant, not you. CHUSSIA. You are much closer than we to the forsaken lands and if you get the chance, pop on over and tell them hello for me. Well, if you haven't forgotten about me, here is my email as PS Lisa and her post makes me bust a gut in unending laughter. I miss you!

Your little Tanya Mouskewitz