Sunday, February 13, 2005

Hunting Penguins

Uhh...I maybe want to pull my hair out right now. Because one false move of a foot under the table, a wire is knocked loose, and and a masterpiece is lost in cyberspace. I mean, all I'm saying is its not going to be as good the second time around.

Here is a synopsis of some of the things I said:
I am sick (I think my exact words were "my lymph nodes are as swollen as the Nile is long"). Homestays with Egyptian families started today, but my family couldn't come tonight (welcome to Egypt no one is bound by something as silly as a schedule) so I get to rest tonight and start my week with them tomorrow. I am thankful for that. There were also some things about "On the Run" and how I'm relatively certain it is the Eyptian version of Handy Andy (there were some hateful comments about Cirlce K included as well).

Thursday I spent the night with my cousin, Amir; his wife Yasmin (okay, so she goes by Jesse, but isn't Yasmin so wonderful and Egyptian?); and their kids Amin (3) and Lena (1 1/2). First, I should say that I had a marvelous time with them, my bed was warm, the company was wonderful, and the day relaxing. I love those kids. I'll just say they are much smarter than me, Amin speaks Arabic then German and then English. So it was hilarious when I tried to communicate with this linguist of a child. I attempted to practice Arabic, but who knows if he was teaching me Arabic or German. All I could do was look at him and say ich libe dich ("I love you" in German), because that's what Bonnie sometimes said to me before we crawled into our beds at night. This is what I know for sure: the child aspires to hunt penguins. I say shoot for the stars kid--if anyone will find penguins in Egypt it will be Amin. And then Lena is this charming little girl that you just want to squeeze and never let go. So yeah we ate a lot and I had a fabulous time. Amir and Jesse are great.

Friday night I attended a Better Life Service; it is singing ministry that my Aunt Nancy is involved in. The music was great, and although it was very different it made me miss Chorale. It was a powerful service and basically my aunt is a rockstar.

Life is moving quickly, homework is piling up. We aren't in camp MESP anymore, but I love my classes and everything we do feels relevant. I have learned more this past month than ever before.

I was planning on saying something of consequence today, but after losing my work I just don't have the time...I guess you'll have to keep checking in hope of hearing my profound thoughts.

P.S. Everyone should know that there is an Egyptian sitting next to me rapping along with Eminen, except I don't think he knows English so he's just mimicking the sounds and the mumbo jumbo result is really funny--I need to go before I do something socially unacceptable like lose it and start laughing out loud at him.

P.P.S. Really can the falling out of '04 please be reconciled? I mean we made it through the crash of '03 together I think we can survive this too...


ek said...

I kind of wish that you would have laughed out loud at the Eminem sing-along going on next to you or I at least wish that you knew the real words and would have started singing with him. I think that might have been great, actually I know that it wold have been, even if it was socially unacceptable. At an internet cafe in london a girl's phone went off with the nutcracker song and there was a particularly well... interesting man that got quite the kick out of it and had quite an interesting reaction... i might have to tell you about it some time. i love you MMG

Nawal Ghali said...

Hi Sweetheart,
I am so disappointed you lost your entry. I so look forward to as much details as possible. Keep it up dearheart, it is some awesome blog. I am so glad you got to spend time with your cousin and his little cutties. I am praying that your time at the home stay would be rich with great experiences and memories.
Happy Valentine's day Sweetie Pie.
I love you for ever
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.
I love you more then life.

Jenny Haller said...

Happy Valentines Day!!! I wish you were here because you would probably wear a pair of bright orange sweatpants in rebellion to all the pink and red...I am really happy to read of your adventures with the littly cousins. I know they brought joy to your heart. Let us know how your home stays go and tell me about what kind of food you eat...
I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marcia! So glad you decided to post on my xanga. haha. it was appreciated! i knew you'd enjoy those couple of comments. hehe. well girl, i think about you often and am so jealous of all your crazy adventures. i have to say, i could picture the whole crazy scene of you flying around on top of that car with your curly hair blowing in the wind. definitely a marcia ghali type action. anyway, love you to death!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

oops, that last comment was from haha. ok, bye. :) said...

MMG- hmmm, as you said yesterday, it is about time I posted a comment on your blogspot. In agreement with Jenny, I must say that I do miss you deeply and wished today that I had spotted your bright orange sweats from across know they can be seen from afar. But no need to dismay, I have a feeling that our dear Bon Bon may indeed be sporting them this day in another distant land, however probably not in rebellion against this day...what matters is they continue to be well word. All of this is, of course, speculation and assumption and we both know what that means....MarFACE, I love you so much...did you know that? P.S. you can't stop me....hehe
Sidenote: I love every last one of my Ghali family. said...

One last thing: my dear Marcia, you're inbox is overflowing and I cannot very well send you more one line ridiculous e-mails when they keep coming back rejected. Please disregard the stern tone of this note because it is my millions of pages of reading that is the cause not your stubburn inbox. I love you Marcia May Ghali.